
In another project with Griffe Studio, we were asked to redo the logo design of the children's apparel brand Ziloen.

Ziloen is the company of a mother and daughter, both alumni of the vrije school, and with a desire to supply sustainable apparel for kids.

It was an interesting journey to go through since we steered towards the vrije school aspect at first—inspiring our design on the art nouveau style that inherits organic shapes from nature—but were later on requested to steer away from that as they were missing the modernness. Below you will see the whole process the logo has gone through. From a very nature-like state to more artsy and finally to the minimalistic yet playful logo it ended up to be.

This was our first idea for the logo. Soft, playful and almost as if the characters were build from branches. This still is my favorite version because it's so different from what you mainly see.