
Nice to meet you. My name is Isabelle, and this is where I showcase my creative journey through this fast, inspiring world.

After I acquired the title 'allround stylist', I became a freelance graphic designer. This has taught me the bits and pieces of commercial business. My artistic personality is rebellious and aesthetic, but is sensitive, too. I paint, I draw, I photograph, I sew, I master almost all of the Adobe Suite and, can make a mean cup of coffee.

To me, it all circles back to the word 'create'. It is such a significant part of my life. Whether it's in making art, writing, learning or solving a problem. I'm happy to guide you through my creations so, if you're ready, click on the little logo in the top right corner and head right on to my portfolio.

If you'd like to exchange ideas or work on an awesome project together, you can reach me on my e-mail address below or click the Instagram icon to take a peek at my personal project that inspired the design of this website.